
Director table is being used more and tend to increase

Director's office have greatly influenced the intellectual and the failure or success in the career of the director himself and all the other parts. Director's office if the feng shui layout, good location right way will help leaders to work more efficiently, more logical thinking, creativity in solving work, always put the success of the director.

Besides the director table right position is also a factor helping to increase the company's revenue. Here are some general tips when director table:

- Director table not set opposite the main door or entrance. That helps prevent the sound from outside, away from the gaze from the outside.
- Management should be placed near the wall, the distance between the director's chair and the wall is not too large. Director seats close to the wall, to see it as a prop, increase self-confidence, safety director.
- The window of the office manager where to enjoy the trees, ornamental trees or nature. Do not get the window opposite poles, outside the window manager should not pass.
- Ensure that objects have the motivation, the items must be harmonized layout: Left can set the fax machine; The opposite may be suspended or merit awards; Right materials; In front of the computer and watches.
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