
Manual durable mattress springs

Unlike latex mattresses, spring mattresses have been finished and can be located using without any accessories attached to anything. But to be durable mattress and clean, hygienic, we should note the following issues:

- Use an extra-thin sheets (Protector) and sizes to protect the surface of the mattress springs, restrictions or sweat pouring liquid into ruin and quilting blankets for removable toilet, washing periodically .
- Wrap spring mattress wrapped in cotton sheets to avoid scratching and dirt directly into the mattress.
- Regularly shake the dust and flat sheets and stretch wrap to grap spring mattress surface distortion, wrong shape specifications.
- Mattresses should immediately placed on a flat surface, inlaid limited slots (slot width not exceeding 1 cm), and stay away from high heat sources.
- Absolutely no mattress or bedding was placed or inclined channel access, the mattress must fall entirely into the hearts bed, not to channel up to bed.
- Periodically turn tail and head back surface (for 2-sided mattress) mattress every toilet.
- Avoid direct sunlight or pouring liquid into the mattress springs structural damage and rapid aging of the mattress components.
- Limit standing on springy mattress springs as well as the drag effect, forced to deform the mattress frame, spring damage.
- Keep the warranty card for the duration of use for manufacturers advice and support when there is a problem.
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