
Trends in interior design office

Approximately 20 years ago, when working in any agency which units you encounter an office working with a long corridor leading to the different departments.

A work room with a large table for department heads, flanked by two rows of desks facing each other for staff. Desks made ​​of solid wood, beneath a small drawer containing personal items. Light work is some of the neon lights of 1.2 m sure no light on either side, in the middle of the ceiling fan operates continuously.
At first glance, you can hardly imagine that a modern office in the country but in Europe and America, including modern office since the early 20th century when the phone is not developing, not computers, chairs turning unused. At that time, people call it style interior design modern office.

Today, the modern office in Vietnam in the early '90s there were certain changes to the new trend of office furniture. Open space with low partitions, swivel chairs, personal computer. The corridor extends gradually disappears, the parts department is no longer isolated to a narrow space, but instead is a larger space.

With the space requires separate as meeting rooms, a director, ... are separated by transparent glass panels have a high sound insulation in order to remove the feeling - apart.
Personal computer became essential in the job. At each work station have more shelves to separate keyboard and mouse. The bottom side personal locker room was more a set of computer CPU. At this time, on a computer desk lacks the few believe that workplace. Office space in the new trend colors soothing, cozy atmosphere creates a sense of serious work.

At about the early years of the 21st century, the trend of interior design office formed later in Vietnam stems from the emergence of software companies, advertising agencies, designers abroad. The administrators said that with a working air too seriously, employees will lack creativity.
For those who work with computers all day as programming, staff throughout the day glued to a tiny screen then forced to create space to relax around to help them regain balance.

This time, in the office workplace there are many changes, partitions and lighter design, not running from floor to eye level when sitting too. The top edge of the bulkhead that no longer can neatly curved freedom. The appearance of the LCD screen may be a revolution for the desk in the office. From an old screen is thicker now on the table just left a 5cm thick computer screen, creating a wide gap in front of the work. This helps to make the space spacious and more modern feel.

Over time, the change in office interior space with high-tech products have contributed to lifestyle changes as well as create excitement in effect for staff work in each different environment.
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