
Note when buying baby mattress

Select the buffer is also one of the key points to help you have a good sleep and safety. Consider price, comfort, firmness of your mattress because you may use it until the next three years. There are two main types of mattresses to choose from: foam and springs.

Foam has the advantage of being cheaper, lighter (you will feel the importance of it if they have to get up rather dirty sheets at 3 am). This buffer type has many different thickness, but not any thicker is better, but the new features are the most important factors to keep in mind. Good foam type requires approximately 680g / 30cm blocks. Many types of foam can not specify density foam packaging products for the consumer knows exactly what they are there in hand; in this case, the weight will help you get to know, it will feature heavy padding, better than lighter mats are the same size.

Buffer springs back like some other people choose for this kind of stay in shape for longer (though that foam characteristics can also have the same quality). With spring washers, hardness, sound is determined based on the number of springs in the buffer, the number of turns on each spring, as well as the stiffness of the spring. If you like this kind, experts recommend that you buy at least 150 buffer spring.

In addition, organic mattress, made ​​entirely from natural materials, usually cotton or wool, but much more expensive but is the advantage of containing no chemicals or compounds used in industry average of cushions often - such as flame retardants PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), vinyl, polyurethane foam...

Safety note
- Make sure you select the buffer is flat, not much subsidence, are designed and produced specifically for young children, by type of cushion is designed for larger children or adults may be too soft and subsidence, which can leading to the risk of infant suffocation, an increased risk of cot death.
- One more very important job to do is take a look at this cushion is fit with how my crib, mattress edge to ensure close to a crib. If the gap between the mattress with the cot bars enough so that you can insert two fingers into the child that is already enough for you to be "trapped" then.
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