
Note when purchasing plastic toys for baby

In these materials, the production of plastic toys are popular materials are the most preferred manufacturers. However, this material is not necessarily safe for the baby. Parents should also be careful to choose plastic toy quality assurance.

In these materials, the production of plastic toys are popular materials are the most preferred manufacturers. However, this material is not necessarily safe for the baby. Parents should also be careful to choose plastic toy quality assurance.

Why be careful with plastic toys?
- It's not just the new plastic toys you need to be careful that all the baby toys you should also pay attention to safety issues and choose appropriate toys for your baby's age. However, because most toys are usually produced plastic so within the framework of this article we would like to mention the risk of producing plastic toys is unsafe.
- Usually to reduce costs, manufacturers may use recycled plastics, plastic waste from various sources and even collected all kinds of plastic mixed with organic waste to produce toys. The use of plastics does not guarantee the quality of the recycled plastic as the heat-treated PVC can emit chlorine gas, a substance highly toxic oxidants or plastic composition contains a high amount of phthalates will cause the risk of endocrine disorders, risk of early puberty, diabetes, affects fertility ... these are just two examples of the effects of chemicals used in plastic harmful the health of the baby was in fact the chemicals in toys can harm a lot.

In addition to the toy impressive, eye-catching color or a toy, durable, flexible or rigid, the manufacturer adds a number of substances such as salts of zinc, cadmium salts, copper salts , or the use of mercury, lead and other cheap paint does not guarantee quality. These chemicals, if not tested components classification and security levels, some completely raw materials is likely to cause harm to the baby (eg plasticizers DBP (Dibutyl Phthalate) or DOC (Dioctyl Phthalate ) are likely to cause cancer if long-term exposure. substances such as lead, mercury and can absorb by osmosis child's body through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and absorbed through the skin in the game exposure to these kinds of toys.

Note when purchasing plastic toys

Can parents know about the dangers caused by plastic toys unsafe bring, but the problem is difficult to classify, testing the baby toys sold in the market as rampant now today. So the question is how to choose safe toys for kid plastic?

The best way is to select toys from toy manufacturers prestigious origin clear. Prioritize toy manufacturers announced the certification of the agency proved materials and manufacturing processes, product safety for children. Absolutely not as cheap or as dramatic color design that buy floating toys of unknown origin, place your baby's health and safety first.

Do not buy plastic toys sized too small, removable so she can swallow them during gameplay. In addition, the sharp angular toys should also excluded from the list of baby toys.

There are many types of plastic can be subjective judgments even when hand held up as an unpleasant smell heavy, brittle, easily broken, many impurities floating on the surface permanently. Parents should also be aware of this information when selecting toys for children.
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